
Our Pastor

Pastor Thomas Frizzell – Serving since 2020

“And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God.”

1 Corinthians 2:1 (KJV)


These are the words of the apostle Paul, yet they could just as easily be mine. I know God called me into ministry and made it possible for me to become Summerville’s under shepherd. It is my belief that this world, now more than ever, is hungry for the Word of God. So, in weakness and fear along with much trembling I boldly preach what God has laid on my heart. Acts 28:31 – “preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding him.”

I am not flashy, and I do not use enticing words of man’s wisdom, in other words I am no motivational speaker. I am a preacher that simply loves Jesus and His flock. 

Our History


Year Started

A.P Stoker


John Summey


A.P Stoker


George Henderson


M. J. Leach


Jeff Lanning


L. F. Fidler


William Lafoon


Charlie Smith


Lindsey Lewis


C. E. Crissman


C. L. Taylor


D. P. Morris


E. M. Brooks


D. P. Morris


S. B. Wilson


W. C. Darnell


Thomas Flowe


S. G. Snider


C. L. Pickler


E. D. Young


W. H. Connor


Carl Talley


Charles Young


Gerthie Peacock


Cicero Floyd


Inman Stewart


Charles McDowell


D. C. Sullivan


Willard Pierce


Leander Horne


Mike Motley


Flynn Richardson


Tom McLean


Flynn Richardson


Thomas Frizzell


  • In 1920 the pastor salary was raised to $200 annually
    • In the 1940’s the salary increased to $400. Not until 1960 did the church employ a pastor full time at an annual amount of just over $4300
  • The first budget for the church was completed in 1946 at a yearly amount of $625.00.
    • The budget was risen to $3850.00 in 1962. In 1972 the annual budget was just over $10,000.00. In 50 years, the annual budget had risen to just over $177,000.00
  • The land for the cemeteries was purchased for $22.00 an acre in 1936.
    • The first cemetery plot sale started in the 1960’s at the cost of $50. Plots continued to be sold until around 2017 when the cost had risen to $1000.00. Due to fewer plots available the church halted all plot sales in recent years.
  • The present church building was completed in 1960 with the first service in June.
    • The baptismal painting was done in honor of the pastor Inman Stewart who resigned at the completion of the church construction.
    • In 6 years, the church debt of $76,000.00 was paid in full and the burning of the note and cornerstone laying service was considered a great success and blessing from God.
    • The parsonage was built in October 1967. The debt for the parsonage construction was paid in full in October of 1968.
    • The fellowship building was completed in 1983 at a total cost of just over $275,000.00.
    • The present church sanctuary lighting was given by individual members in the early 2000’s and the church carpet, painting and pews were refurbished in 2019.
  • The church bell was Purchased in 1921
  • In 2005 the church purchased the first church vehicle for a cost of $19,000.00
  • The first paid staff member came in 1998 with the hiring of John Deane, music director.
    • In early 2000’s the church hired a janitor/custodian and a paid treasurer in 2007 and then a secretary in 2012.
  • In 1945 VBS Vacation Bible School was started with an enrollment of 41.
    • VBS largest enrollment was in the early 1990’s at nearly 100.
  • The Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) was started in 1951 and Men’s Brotherhood in 1962.
    • Around 2000 youth ministries were started along with WMU organizations and the newest being soul patrol.
    • Over the years the name of the organizations have changed leaving the names of Lads, Challengers GA’s and Mission Friends, as well as WMU now referred to as Women On Mission.
  • In the early 1880’s members were removed from the church membership for various reasons, dancing and drinking in public, stilling, adultery, “unfavorable walk”, and failure to give pledged offerings.
    • In checking records membership loss was only done one more time since our organization, until 1991 when a member committed a felony charge and found guilty in the law and court system.
  • The church membership in the 150 years has been as low as 35 and high at 314. Present membership in 294.
    • The highest number baptized in one service was 50 and 187 in the 10 years of service of pastor D.P Morris.
    • Pastor Morris was a beloved pastor of the church and after his retirement the church voted him in 1933 as pastor emeritus for as long as he lives.
      • Morris gave the church a clock that hung in the sanctuary of the present church building until the last several years.
      • When the clock needed repair, many wanted the clock removed for its “facing the pastor and making him feel it has a time limit on his preaching”.
      • Many others wanted to clock left in place as a memorial to Pastor Morris.
        • All the members who remember Pastor Morris are now deceased.
      • The first record of a female as a church office was in 1926 as church clerk
        • Has consistently remained a female in that position with Nancy Garner serving nearly 25 years.
      • Originally homecoming service was in July in that it was the month of our organization.
        • The change to the second Sunday in August was in 1960.

“To God be the glory forever and ever! Amen.”

Galatians 1:5 (HCSB)


“The records to find information on the church history are not easy to discover and even read in that many cases the notes are written in pencil being very faded and on paper that is very fragile at this point.”

– Church Clerk and Historian Kathy McDonald